Random Drinking Vessels

English Jug 14th Century

English 14th Century

Gaul 2-5th Century

Gaul 2-5th Century
The Gaul items I find a lot more interesting than the English and German pieces since I see a lot of Greek influence in them (plus they are fairly difficult for earlier pieces). Unless you are a potter, you wouldn't know that it's difficult to to manipulate the clay in several directions from narrow to bulbous and back to narrow again. Also, when you have a narrow base, it makes it difficult to throw that as well, then wide, then narrow, without distortion or collapse. Gravity plays a large part with throwing vessels and these guys have been somewhat tricker than their English or German counterparts.
I think that's why I like them. More of a challenge.
Labels: drinking vessels, english, english stoneware, gaul, german, german stoneware, stoneware