Romano-British Glazed Wares

They are made with a black slip in period. I used a very thick black-red glaze instead (can we say FOOD SAFE and more durable). The decoration is APPLIED clay and its all done by hand, using NO extruders, no small clay devices and all worked by my own copying the period technique from thick to thin.

As you can see, I threw a very narrow base with a wider rim. The original piece was SLIGHTLY wider, but as this is California, I gave my piece a wider foot on purpose so it wouldn't TIP over when full of liquid or if an earthquake happened (a rule my professor instilled into me). It's a difference SO miniscule that most people wouldn't notice and the reality of it makes it MUCH easier to use. I actually have a wider more period one, and the thing tips over constantly. Believe me, people WILL thank me for it.

Decoration very close to period. Double swirl attachments, much more difficult than the German Bellermine attachments as these are closer and NOT molded. This piece is open form, so there isn't any structure to push against like a bottle would have when you are doing an attachment. It is much lighter with the same amount of clay.
The difficulty here was throwing from a narrow base to bloom out to a bulbous belly without warpage or any major twists.
I think it actually came out really good.
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